サークル「ankle breakers」のメンバー募集情報
バスケ神奈川神奈川のバスケチームです。現在、メンバーを募集しています。募集しているのはforeign nationality。バスケに興味がある方は、ぜひご応募ください。募集の状態 | 募集中 |
サークル名 | ankle breakers |
サークル設立年 | 2021年 |
サークル目標 | Champion |
活動場所 | 神奈川:Kanagawa sports center / Nishiku sports center |
活動時間 | Sunday Night 19:00〜21:00 |
サークル 構成メンバー | About 30 people |
サークル 平均年齢 | 40 |
こんな人を 探してます | foreign nationality |
募集年齢 | 30〜45 |
サークル ホームページ | https://instagram.com/ankle_brekers?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= |
連絡事項や アピールポイント | Nice to meet you, I am Yusuke Yokoyama, the leader of the "ankle breakers" adult basketball team. We rent a sports center in Yokohama City twice a month. We also participate in other teams' practice sessions. First of all, we aim to get together at a valuable time. Unlike when I was a student, playing basketball is valuable while I have a job and family life. Still, we want to play basketball because we love it. We get together, play there, communicate with each other, and enjoy each other's company. We would like to have three senior, open category, and three women's teams in one tournament. We are building a defensive-minded passing team with the goal of competing in the tournament. Our big goal is to have a team that can make members selected for the county selection. Thank you in advance for your help. |
募集開始日 | 2023年04月10日 |
最終更新日 | 2023年04月10日 |
表示回数(全期間) | 257 view |
表示回数(直近1週間) | 3 view |
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